速報APP / 美食佳飲 / Neat Meats

Neat Meats



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Neat Meats(圖1)-速報App

Eating and cooking fresh Non Veg in India has been a challenge. Frozen tasteless chicken, unhygienic & filthy wet markets, stores with doubtful quality as the cold chain is suspect - its not been easy for the Indian consumer to get fresh, tasty, hygienic Non Veg to feed the family with confidence.

But sweat no more! neatmeats.com introduces a new way to buy your meats....

We are a bunch of retail & food professionals who have a combined experience of over 40 years in the industry. Our aim is to create a business that delivers fresh, hygienic and tasty meats which are priced right.

To this purpose we have set up a robust sourcing, cold chain and distribution process, that ensures fresh meat at your doorstep. Meat that you can trust and serve with confidence to your family and loved ones.

We are starting this journey in Gurgaon with our range of Fresh Meats, some select Marinades and some tasty treats that the little ones should just love. We hope you like what we serve you, and look forward to your feedback and opinions on feedback@neatmeats.com

Please click to enjoy!

支援平台:iPhone, iPad